March 28, 2005 one more g.d. funeral

March 26, 2005 putting on lipstick

March 23, 2005 too smart too young

March 22, 2005 portable fiefdom

March 21, 2005 10: dim sum la la la la!

9: nine lives kitty pillow

8: sunshine kerchief

6: techno cozy

5: wristband for the blake

4: a phone cozy ONCL

3: black wristband with silver star

1: garter-stitch striped scarf (U of T colours)

March 20, 2005 march break

March 17, 2005 all for nothing

March 16, 2005 yarn and a haircut: 2 bits

March 15, 2005 oh my god, it's true!

March 14, 2005 outing to the old zoo

March 13, 2005 two conversations with blake

March 12, 2005 meet the new guy

March 09, 2005 explosion rips through small town highschool

March 08, 2005 month 15

March 07, 2005 matriarchy

March 06, 2005 enter hestia

March 01, 2005 sleepy snow day

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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*