march break
So, Rocketmom, what have you been up to on your March Break that you can't write us once in awhile?
Certainly not boozin' n' tannin' and possibly one-night-standin' at an all-inclusive, unlike some Hogsboro High English teachers one might name. Not that I'd name, mind you.
To jump to the punchline of this particular joke, I was knitting like mad in this last part of my vacation, not because I needed to fill my time with crafting but because I needed a present for the Boy's step-mother when she turned 50 this week. We were invited to a big family bash last night, and it was there that I discovered where Kay gets her love of good-food-good-family nights. Almost everyone was a complete stranger, but they all went above & beyond to make us feel welcomed and entertained. Blake motored around all night, eating crackers like they would be outlawed and playing with an older boy (all of 6). Various adults fetched down helium balloons from the ceiling, and the boys would hold onto the strings for a moment before letting go with an explosion of giggles. Totally charming.
Anyway, I was knitting Kay some cat toys. She and the Boy's dad had their wedding reception at a Chinese restaurant, plus they feed up to 15 cats during the summer stray season; who do you know who needs feline dim sum more than those two? I also made a pillow, which was my attempt at texture intarsia (I knit a flat cat face in the middle of a variegated eye-lash background.) The pillow was my first attempt at designing something of my own (other than the wristband that says "blake") and I ended up with something wildly different from my first idea. Still, it was beautiful to touch and look at, plus it was relatively easy to make; I may have to do a few of those for the church bazaar this winter.
That, combined with looking after Blake and the housework, accounted for almost all of my time. I just hope Kay likes them because otherwise I'll have missed a fair chunk of downtime for nuttin'.
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*