April 30, 2006 blakey safetyscissorshands

new job? buy yarn!

April 28, 2006 cemetery gates

April 26, 2006 wwt 3: a new hope!

April 22, 2006 not sold in any (reputable) store!

April 18, 2006 but you also get a free topping

April 17, 2006 46: blue booties

April 15, 2006 45: chocklit easter bunny

April 14, 2006 craftyfast

stay away from fast women

April 12, 2006 mid-term mania!

April 08, 2006 knitting. and beer. so good.

April 06, 2006 44: we'll make great socks!

April 05, 2006 headpiece filled with straw

April 02, 2006 43: captain's cozy

sad dirktoberfest

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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*