Wow. I am so rusty at this, you can't even imagine. My goal for today is to produce an entry, no matter how crapervescent. So please excuse clumsy phrasing, boring stories and lack of nudity. I'm trying my best.
I had a fairly interesting weekend as these things go. On Friday night we asked my dad to babysit and the Boy & I met Dirk at the Reservoir Lounge to see Big Rude Jake (who is, I must say, much thinner and significantly more polite). This was the Boy's first time seeing Jake, and he loved it. In fact the three of us were completely blissed out on excellent food by the time the band came on, and I was sipping the best Cosmopolitan of my life when they swung into "Minnie the Moocher." The only sucky part was that I like dancing my way through a BRJ concert and the dancing/sitting ratio was very pronounced. Still, I got up to dance by myself for three songs or so and the Boy & I mamboed (which is a major thing because we have very little rhythm on our own and our shared dances are a fiesta of squashed toes and missed cues. And yet we managed to improve by the end.) My favourite moment was when I was dancing to "Swing Baby" and grinning from ear-to-ear, looking up and seeing Jake grinning back. Awesome.
On Saturday we were supposed to go to the Dyke March but our day was consumed by a million picayune errands including the purchase of a new Tilley hat for the Boy and a run by his mother's house to pick up a book. Oh yeah, good news: not only was I accepted into my summer course, but the Boy's mother found a copy of the textbook for keepsies. That takes some of the sting out of the prospect of losing my July.
(Side anecdote: I mentioned this book windfall to Theresa as we commuted together one morning. She expressed her frustration with the Princess, an annoying co-worker who asked to borrow Theresa's book and has "promised" to send it back by inter-school mail when school gets back in the Fall. Although Theresa doesn't want to lend her book and is skeptical of Princess' commitment to returning said property, she already said yes to Princess so she won't back out now. "Maybe Princess has forgotten," she mused "or maybe she and Betty went out and bought it together. Then again, the two of them are so far up each other's asses that they could probably share a copy."
(That morning I shared my good news with Betty. She replied, "Princess and I are going to share Theresa's copy." I almost died.)
For the record, Blake loved his visit to Grandma's. They've purchased a small wading pool and a sandbox in the shape of a turtle, both of which Blake enjoys. But his crowning joy was the sprinkler. There's something so magical about a human soul running through his first sprinkler. Joy.
blake wants to know why we’ve been hiding the subway! train! from him all this time.
On Sunday we made it to Pride, or rather, we made it to Stacy's last Pride bbq. Blake descended into the party like a bomb, and was soon fingerpainting with vegetable dip and giving Darren all the high-fives in the world. Unfortunately, we managed to chase off Dav & his wife as she's expecting and the Blake is a hothouse of rubella (he was vaccinated last Thursday). Despite three days of fever, he rallied for Pride and spent many minutes on the balcony gazing thoughtfully at the huge gay dance party below. (When I asked if he wanted to go back inside, he exercised his new word "no" accompanied by a vigorous shake of his wild curly locks.) He also fell deeply in love with Stacy's red high-heeled boots and spent many happy minutes tottering from coffeetable to chair and back again. He stayed for several snaps ("this is when Mommy turned you gay") and protested loudly when I took off the fabulous shoes. If he ends up with the Boy's looks and my love of dress-up, he'll be a powerful package indeed.
put on your red boots and dance the blues
By the time we were ready to go he was a filthy little urchin, matted with dirt and hamburger grease and the mixed juices of a hundred fruits. He hugged both Stacy & Greg, no doubt passing on some of his filth, and we wandered back into the thronged streets. The Boy was stopped by another man, who wanted to know "how he did it," to which the Boy said guiltily, "uh, I'm a breeder." This man then shared the depth of his longing for a child, no matter how hard it would be. "I'll give up my sexuality for one of these," he said, touching Blake gently on the cheek.
How can I explain other than: this complete stranger gave me one of the most tender moments of my life.
our filthy little urchin is all partied out
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*