poppies...that will put him to sleep
I have a modem again! The Boy got so frustrated with my use of his beloved laptop that he rushed out to get a modem this afternoon. I'm back with my own files, and I owe it all to the Boy's inability to share his toys. Yay!
Oh, I shouldn't bitch. I know myself that no matter how much time I wasted at the terminal, I was always ready to really start working the moment before someone asked to use my computer. It's one of those inevitabilities of social life.
Today, thanks to Elizabeth Pantley's No Cry Sleep Solution, is the first day of Blake's Big Everyone Sleeps Plan (or BBESP). I've been more or less sleep deprived since Blake was born, but lately the situation has reached crisis proportions. Not only am I angry & exhausted 24 hours a day, not only am I making bad decisions & driving poorly, not only am I too knackered to venture out my doors even once in awhile, but...well, that's it really. Isn't that enough?
Today we wrote up a plan, filled it out & got to work. Blake's been sleeping in his crib for just over 2 hours now. He had a really long nap in the afternoon and I hope to actually get up with him tomorrow at 6 a.m., when he traditionally rises for the day. The Boy & I have been doing shift work up to this point: I'd take care of him all night (except in special "inconsolable screaming at 4 a.m." situations) and the Boy would take him in the early mornings. The two of us are becoming dead-eyed zombies, and this is not the goth look I'm shooting for.
Here's how Sunday night went down:
6:50 – Finally asleep in crib.7:15 – Awake (snorty crying). Diaper change. Daddy: singing, walking, rocking. Mommy: nursing.
7:50 – Asleep in crib.
9:10 – Awake (whimpering). Rocking, singing, nursing in bed.
10:10 – Asleep in bed.
12:55 – Awake (wiggling). Nursed.
1:05 – Asleep in bed.
1:40 – Awake (wiggling). Nursed.
2:00 – Asleep in bed.
4:00? – Awake (wiggling). Nursed. Asleep almost immediately.
6:00 – Up for the day.
Just writing it out again makes me want to cry.
I like Pantley's book because 1) she's just as devoted to Sears & co. as I am, 2) she's proven with her own family that co-sleeping & sleeping through the night are not incompatible, 3) she's unfailingly gentle in some very trying situations, 4) she went through it twice, and 5) the book is bursting with suggestions & very easy to read. I just hope that the added sleep will positively impact the deplorable state of my writing. I can hardly string two thoughts together, let alone write an interesting paragraph.
Luckily, I was in perfect form to vote yesterday.
blake wants to know what all the fuss is about sitting.
sure he can't do it, but why would anyone want to?

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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*