baseball & bananas
We had an awful time of it last night. Blake’s been in a stage lately in which he’s extremely restless at night. He’ll wake up, feed until he’s satisfied, and then start wiggling around the bed. Sometimes he’ll start crying exhaustedly, although he steadfastly resists any attempts to soothe him back to sleep. Last night the Boy was up with him for 3 hours of crying interspersed with fitful dozing (Blake was crying & dozing, not the Boy). I am determined not to leave him alone at night to cry. I’ve taken him into the bed with us so we can respond to his nighttime needs with less resentment. I breastfeed him at hour to 2.5 hour intervals throughout the day and night. I’m just a little discouraged that it seems to be getting harder instead of easier.
Argh. He won’t be a baby forever. I’ll miss it when he’s a big guy. Even so…damn, I’m tired.
Despite our restless night, today was fairly productive. Blake spent most of the morning upstairs with my mom while the Boy & I slept the sleep of the exhausted. When we finally got up, I decided to head out to the local park to take advantage of the sunshine. Then my mom asked me to drop her off at a friend’s house. Then I committed to a visit at this friend’s house because she’s sick and Blake cheers her up. Then I had to dress Blake for the “cruel” winds that were ravaging my part of the world (absolutely balmy compared to the temperatures on the day I took out Blake for the first time).
We spent a good deal of time visiting with my mother’s friends, not only as a favour to my mom but because I honestly enjoy hearing stories about their babies (all of whom I knew growing up). There’s something incredibly wholesome & comforting about being with other moms, no matter who they are. Also, I get big points with them for reproducing – none of them have grandchildren yet.
We also made an appearance at the ball diamond where my dad was playing a tournament. It’s a very familiar scene for me – Saturday at the park, sitting in the stands with a book while my mom keeps score & Nic throws a ball around with the other kids. Blake was an interesting element of novelty; he slept half the time & spent the rest of his time in the stands wrapped in my mother’s blanket. (Go figure, the winds were actually cruel.) Even so, he was the magic ingredient that kept everything fun.
I can’t wait until Preacher’s wedding this summer! I keep thinking about it and grinning uncontrollably. Not only is it 6 days with some of my favourite people in the world, but…Preacher’s Getting Married!!! It’s just one of those things that I couldn’t have predicted seven years ago, but in hindsight all the clues are there & it makes perfect sense.
There. That’s my little bit of sunshine for the day. I need the gleam when I’m this tired.
A few months ago I asked the Boy to take a few pictures of Blake mooching a banana. Little did I know that he would capture this gem.

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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*