This has been an awesome weekend, and I shiver at the thought of getting it all down. There was Pixie, here in the flesh & ready to party. There was Blake playing in a birdbath. There was an unexpected detour that took us half-way to London and guaranteed that we'd watch the wedding of the Boy's cousin dressed in travelling shorts & silly t-shirts. ("Oh my God! The baby's naked and he's sopping wet!!") There was sisterly affection, catty comments, conga lines, swing dancing, hysterical bouts of laughter, "Love Shack," spilled salad, personal chefs and a lapful of punch. There was a bizarre dinner dialogue in which it can be reliably concluded that no one person really understood what the others were saying. There were old friends dutifully cooing over my baby pictures. There was even dancing of the dark variety.
I'll say this much: although Pixie and Scout have always done their best to make me feel included in their reindeer games, this is the first weekend that I felt counted as their sister. Not only in name, but 100 percent in spirit. Now I feel certain that if something happened, they'd crab-walk me to the wall. (This alludes to a joke that I certain would be much less funny if written down.)
I'll say this as well: coming back to a smoke-free Garden was everything I wanted it to be. I drank way too much, I dressed way too warmly & I didn't dance when the dj was hot...but those mistakes merely punctuated a glorious night of old friends and wild conversation in my favourite grotty club. It wasn't just the beer talking. I AM the luckiest girl in the world. Because on top of all the positive vibes, on top of the joy of talking Preacher's wedding with Palaver, on top of the visual thrill of Stacy in her Lolita Kimono, on top of seeing the Boy do his industrial dance, on top of the thrill of being Bad Girls, Smoking...I got to dress up Pixie like a red-and-black bunny.
See? Told you.
auntie pixie gets her blake on

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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*