19 months!
Why I love Blake more this month than I did last month (with apologies to Sasha Boczkowski)
Because he started sleeping through the night in his own bed at least one night out of three.
Because his first destination in the morning is still my arms.
Because when I played him the Pixies for the first time he was fascinated with Black Francis' voice and spent the next day saying "devil is six...devil is six..."
Because he headbutts me and bites me but he also hugs me and kisses me with no warning.
Because he's old enough to be naughty but not old enough to do anything about it.
Because he sleeps with Pooh.
Because he dug in the dirt with a stick, rediscovering agriculture and showering himself with dirt in the process.
Because the first time he gave himself a dirt shower he laughed like it was the best joke in the world.
Because he tells me not to drink the bath water just before he drinks it himself.
Because every day he looks more like a toddler and less like a baby.
Because he is so beautiful and gets more beautiful every day and yet people tell me he looks exactly like me.
Because he wears out my friends.
Because he slouches in his highchair lower than Mr. Shoreleave in a highschool desk. Because he yells, "slouch!" so we'll notice.
Because he sings to himself in a low Frankenstein monotone, missing about 30% of the words. Because he sings to please himself, not to communicate to us.
Because he talks non-stop in his car seat while the Boy & I have a conversation in the front.
Because the wilder his hair grows, the more acceptable mine becomes.
Because he scribbled on an essay belonging to one of my students and we all laughed about it in class.
Because he still wants me to rock him to sleep.
Because he pays attention to so much more than I do.
Because he names everything. Or rather, because he remembers our names for everything.
Because he gives me a good reason to be late to class.
Because he gives me the best reason to rush home after class.
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otherwise noted, are copyright Rocketbride 1997-2009.
Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*