January 05, 2005
Games to Play in the Bathroom

by Blakey B.

  1. Open the cabinet under the sink. Take out interesting objects. Try to eat them.
  2. Open cabinet under the sink. Find something hazardous that shouldn't be stored there in the first place (like a safety razor). Watch Mama scramble to take it away.
  3. Crawl into the shower. Worm around on tummy and get clothes wet. Slap the tile with palms. Try to eat shampoo bottles.
  4. Crawl under the toilet bowl. Find the plastic covers to the screws. Take them off and try to eat them.
  5. Point and giggle at Mama's underwear. [I'm not kidding, he actually does this. – Rocketmom]
  6. Carefully unroll toilet paper. Rip off little bits and examine closely. Unroll longer bits and trail around the floor.
  7. Find the spare roll of toilet paper in the cabinet. See #6.
  8. When hearing the flush, crawl quickly to the toilet bowl to watch.
  9. Open toilet lid before Mama can intervene.
  10. Stick hands in toilet.
  11. Use hand to drink out of the toilet. [Only done this once, thank God. -rm]
  12. Pull at Mama's pants until she gives you Daddy's toothbrush. Suck on it as long as possible.
  13. Sit on the floor next to the diaper pail. Hold onto the handle and bang it up and down percussively.
  14. Beg to be held. Try to take hairbrush. If successful, brush own hair. If not, keep trying.
  15. Grin at handsome baby in the mirror.
  16. Pull towels off the racks.
  17. Use index finger to shut off the light.

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