making a list
Today I was working on language with Blake. Now that he can say 'cat' and 'cup' and 'up' and 'yes' and 'deenah' (whatever that is), I figure he should be able to say 'mama.' This is a boy who can flex his terrible claws when we read Where the Wild Things Are; a boy who has memorized all the appropriate gestures and actions in Pat the Bunny for months now. I figure he can handle a little one-syllable action.
I like to have our conversations when I'm changing his diaper, because if I'm thinking about phoneme acquisition I'll actually engage his attention in a meaningful way instead of wrestling his hips to the mat and pleading for just a few more seconds to snap up his shirt. (Andrea gave me that little tip, by the way. It's the "ask politely and reward promptly" method of interaction, which is a lot smoother than the "wonder why the infant isn't obeying vague vocal commands" method. Don't let the r-word bring you down; I reward him by giving him something interesting to hold. It's more distraction than bribery.)
So today we're in the familiar pose. I sense that I'm about to lose his attention and commence the struggle. We begin: "Blake, honey, say mama."
He looked at me seriously. "Ba, ba. Ba."
"No honey. Ma ma. A sheep says ba ba," I respond as I slide the new cloth under his bum. "Ma ma. Ma ma."
Again I get the serious look. I wonder if he's scamming me. "Bum. Bum buh buh. Bum."
No, I do not accept Bum as a name, cute as he is. We're still going to work on this.
As I've been somewhat struggling for content lately (or motivation, really), I've decided to do a meme today. This one's from Daydreaming on Paper: Have you been naughty or nice this year? List 10 pieces of evidence to plead your case.
This year I...
- Have taken on a great deal of housework in addition to raising the baby.
- Complain about doing most of the housework.
- Use cloth diapers that I launder myself, thus greatly reducing the impact of my North American child on the helpless environment.
- Continue to eat meat and non-organic produce.
- Made a lot of mommy friends in Toronto.
- Failed to make friends where I live.
- Read more novels, important magazines and newspapers than I have in years.
- Spent way too much time refreshing my "friends" page at LiveJournal.
- Sent out interesting & personalized birth announcements, thank you cards and Christmas cards in a timely fashion.
- Let email linger until the Trump of Judgement.
- Kiss and hug my child, sing to my child, read and tell stories to my child.
- Grunt at and argue with my husband. Throw hissy fits. Behave badly.
- Renewed my interest in keeping a journal by throwing my hat into new mommy-themed rings.
- Failed to write NaNoWriMo novel, Preacher's wedding, or the story I owe Daniel Pinkwater from 2002!
- Accepted a call to lead the church Sunday School.
- Mentally critique the abundant cookies and sweets offered to congregation's children, and vow to replace these sugary snacks with boring, tasteless and above all healthy crudités. (Hmmm. Is this a bad thing?)
If you think that I'm uptight about sugar, then we're deadlocked. If you think that it's a bad idea to give youngsters "enough sugar to sandbag a turret" ((c) Ayun Halliday), then I'm NICE.
I don't feel nice. But I'm really tired and maybe I'll get those two Stephen King novels I want if I pretend to believe it.
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*