it's pronounced lyCHAGtawob
Today I actually managed to get up with the baby at 7:30. A rousing round of applause, if you please. Thank you. And because I was up at 7:30, I was able to eat a large bowl of oatmeal and get dressed before heading out to this morning's exercise class. (Don't get me wrong; I'm always dressed when I leave the house, but some mornings my clothes are (let's say) more dishevelled than usual.)
Of course, the class was still full of Paranoid Mama and Her Gossamer Thread Baby (can't let my boy breathe on him/her!) so I was still freaked out by the end of class. Why oh why are there so many bints at my gym? And why, at the end of class, did I try to give them useful information about the Early Years Centres? I don't want their precious eggshell offspring in my play times. I want to let Blake have a good time, damn it.
Speacking of having a good time at the EYC, I also managed to get out to Baby Time this afternoon, a.k.a. Let Your Child Have A Good Time With Other Babies Time (LYCHAGTWOB Time). But poor Blake came down with some mysterious illness this afternoon, so by the time I could set him free with the toys and the other babies, he was flushed, sleepy and clingy. We put him to bed very early as his temperature was 39.4 C and he was hanging over us like a sad little shag rug. Now he's getting up to fuss every hour.
My poor little snuffly. I hope he's better for his party on Saturday.
Speaking of which, I'm feeling a little raw about this party. As more and more people are backing out, I'm starting to wish that I never had such a bright idea. I hate throwing unpopular parties, and I very rarely throw any other kind.
"I'm sad because I'm flying."
- strong sad
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*