wrap it up
It's been a pretty exciting week in the Rockethome. Despite my best efforts, I was unable to finish Blake's birthday sweater in time for the big day – my new goal is tomorrow. He didn't miss it, of course. Blake's at that sweet age when he doesn't make the connection between "birthday" and "getting stuff." For him, the biggest deal is to sing and blow out the candle. And when we gave him presents yesterday at dinner, he was so happy with his first (a copy of The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats) that he demanded a reading and ignored the rest of his loot.
Not that it deserved ignoring; we did well by him this year. The Boy & I gave him 2 books (as well as the in-process sweater); my parents gave him a snuggly robe for the long cold nightly walk between the upstairs bathtub and his room, Annie & Claribel (cf. Thomas the Tank Engine) and a cute pair of cheese cutters so we can indoctrinate him into the national past-time; and Nic got him goofy (but excellent) shoes called Titanitos. (They have faces on them. I think Nic really outdid himself this year.) The cake my mom made had a rocket on it with three boosters – awesome.
He spent the day playing with a group of kids in Orangeville after making candy houses under my mom's tutelage. I missed him all day, but was giddily glad on his behalf. I think I like his birthday much more than my own; I really feel like I accomplished something on this day, and his unalloyed happiness is inspiring.
Also inspiring: I had my first Bat Masterson Knit Club meeting this Thursday. From the responses I had expected a mixed crowd of newbies and pros; what turned up were 4 newbies. As the only one in the room who knew how to knit, I cast on for each of them and taught everyone the knit stitch. It was totally exhausting but so worth it. Mason was there, knitting like a man possessed as he hopes to get a scarf done for his wife this Christmas. (He had 6 inches done by the closing bell on Friday.) Poppy (formerly known as the funky guidance counsellor whose wife is having twins in May) not only went 3 consecutive hours the night after the club (only stopping when the hand strain began), she also finger-knit me a friendship necklace out of leftover yarn. I'm having so much fun.
Labels: bat masterson, blake, knit

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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*