happy first!
Today is my first knitversary. One year ago today I bought my first pair of needles and some acrylic wool at the Lewiscraft (closed forever yesterday). One year ago I opened Stitch n' Bitch and started givin'r. My mom taught me to knit when I was younger, but I'd never finished anything. I'd always knit too tightly, split stitches, dropped stitches, and given up easily. This time, it was like my needles were enchanted, and I began to see what one could do as a semicompetant knittrix. I think Debbie would be proud.
Year in Review Stats:
By the numbers
- 36 finished objects
- 4 projects on the needles
- 4 projects in need of finishing (stupid sewing up!)
- 2 projects with only one piece done, in which I have completely lost interest
- 2 partially completed projects in need of frogging
- 2 knitalongs
- 1 overflowing stash
Finished objects:
- 10 hats/head coverings
- 8 cozies (7 technological, 1 wine)
- 6 scarves
- 3 wristbands
- 2 toys (1 cat, 1 baby)
- 2 pairs of mittens
- 2 sewing projects (1 needle case and 1 mostly-completed monkey costume that I sewed until my fingers bled)
- 2 pairs socks/booties
- 1 pillow
- 1 cat bed
- 1 diaper cover
- 1 sweater
- 1 bookmark
- Stitch n' Bitch books: 21
- Knitty: 5
- Random Internet: 4
- Knitting for Baby: 3
- Last Minute Knitted Gifts: 2
- Purchased pattern: 1
- Class pattern: 1
- My pattern: 1
* total is higher than FO's because I combined some patterns into one object and some projects into one gift
- family: 15
- friends: 11
- me: 7
- strangers: 2
- co-worker: 1
As for my weekly goals, I've finished the trunk of Enzo's green sweater, and am about halfway up one sleeve. I remain completely stymied on my Sockapaloooza project, as I can't find 2.5 mm needles to save my life. I've been to three stores and disappointed on all counts. I'm starting to see my life as a comical montage, with LYS after LYS slamming doors in my face. "You can't do it / so give up now / whatcha gonna knit when the yarn runs out? Ain't that a draaag!"
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otherwise noted, are copyright Rocketbride 1997-2009.
Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*