Starting tomorrow I'm off for two days to attend PD workshops. It sounded like a good deal two weeks ago (when I signed up) but the amount of work I had to put in before I left Hogsboro High today diminished the fun somewhat. Two days of work for three classes ain't no picnic, even when I can use movies some of the time.
Ah well. My biggest problem these days is that my 9 Xanders are germinating a nice little clutch of bullies, the kind of kids who target the "different" but wouldn't ever think of themselves as racists. Theresa wants me to smash them like ants, but I think I'm overplaying the bitch card in that class. I think I'll pull the worse one aside and explain how his behaviour looks to me. He's not an evil seed, just pig ignorant and maybe giving him a mirror will help him with that.
Or maybe I can force him to attend sensitivity training. Either way, he's not going to enjoy our next encounter.
The other raincloud today brought was another issue with my job as the Sunday School Superintendent. On Sunday I explained to the minister that I couldn't commit to checking my email as frequently as she wanted to send me material, and that I ended up missing the boat on some time-sensitive things. The whole situation makes me guilty as hell, and I end up not wanting to go to church at all. It seemed that she understood, but today I heard from my mom that the secretary called to complain. She (the secretary) has asked me to check my email more frequently, and my mom is unwilling to consider that I may be too damn busy to check the damn email every damn day. WTF? I thought this was settled between the minister and me. What stake does the secretary and my mom have in all this?
I'm continuing to regret my decision to volunteer for this job. One more incident and I'm going to quit.
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*