I shaved today. Today I shaved.
I'd been doing the earthmama thing since before Blake was born, simply because I was living completely beyond the limits of conventional feminine beauty anyway, so what was one more thing? In truth, I was kind of curious to see where it would take me. It was nice not to scrape myself up every 2 days, and I could watch the pregnancy hormones change the texture of my body.
After he was born, I really couldn't care less for weeks & weeks & weeks. I was recovering from birth, damn it! I was tired & sore & thoroughly focused on being a mom. And it wasn't like I was hitting the bars when the Boo was in bed.
There came a point when I started to care about my appearance again, but I still didn't shave. Why? Hell, why not? The life of a babymama doesn't give much scope to social rebellion, so the hair was my subtle "fuck you" to the mainstream. I very much enjoyed it on that level.
So why did I shave? Short answer: because the Boy asked me nicely. Long answer: because no diversion lasts forever. That's why my hair was such a temperamental rainbow for years. That's why I kept changing my journal design. It's just another costume, and I'm tired of it. Plus, I can get right back into the earthmother thing with minimal effort. In fact, the lack of effort is part of the appeal.
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*