clean & free
I sat down to write tonight with what must be the single most annoying thought in the universe: I had something to write about, but I've forgotten what it was. Then I was inadvertently reminded by the Boy. He's reading stories to Blake (who is participating by "ohhh"ing along with the story & turning the pages). Suddenly I hear, "ahh! not the lips! not the glasses!!"
Blake's turning into a grabber. It's kind of fun, actually. He grabs at everything within grabbin' range, from my face to my hair to my clothes to my nipple (that one isn't very fun). His little fingers pinch onto the object with deadly force, reminding me to trim his fingernails as often as possible. I have a scratch on my face that I can't figure out. I suspect our Grabby Abby over there.
This afternoon we visited an Ontario Early Years Centre in the downtown. I'd been meaning to get out to it for several weeks, ever since the woman next to me at the La Leche meeting invited me to the Baby Drop-In. But it was amazingly hard to get my kippers in a row, especially in the morning. Today I was restless so I decided to drive out and see if it could be found. I need to find some local mom activities; I'm going nuts in the house and make-errands just aren't cutting it.
It's a very cool place. They do programs for babies from 0-6 and also run a drop-in centre every day of the week. There are little craft rooms, play pretend areas, a little kitchen, a resource centre, and an infant centre in the middle of soft couches. Blake's still a bit young for the more independent play areas, but he really dug the mirrors and a few of the board books. I didn't have the chance to show him a spectacular time; I arrived a half-hour before closing and I was so hungry that all higher thinking had shut down. That's the last time I leave the house without a sandwich. I was so spacey that I think I came across as stoned. Now there's a good first impression to leave with a government worker.
At least the tot was in a good mood.
Kate's friend (the one I met last Wednesday) is from Chicago. She was telling us that her sisters didn't quite understand why she kept visiting the centre in her area. "You don't have to pay anything?" (Nope. And all infant parents get a swank package that includes a book, a video, a passport-type guide to infant health, a pamphlet & a magnet.) When they learned it was free, there was a new worry: "is it clean?" (Not only was it clean, but they manage to keep it clean & fresh without much effort. Blake doesn't put anything in his mouth now, but when he does I'll be glad that everything that's been gummed gets collected at the end of the day. I have mom tunnel vision: every baby's a filthy ragamuffin except my boy.)
I can see myself spending a lot of time there. Good.
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*