where the mommies at?
We took the baby to Tea this afternoon. I have to say, Tea sucks large rocks right now. Part of the sucking is due to time; the practice goes through phases when interesting people will congregate for awhile and then stop coming for various reasons. But most of the sucking is due to the fact that they've taken out all of the comfy couches & wing chairs and replaced them with dining tables. They had too many residents to fit in Fung, so they killed the Union couches to accommodate the stupid Double Cohort. (Ontario eliminated Grade 13 last year so it had twice the number of graduates entering universities.)
But despite the suckitude, Fatima (the woman who runs Tea) was dying to see the Blake. And so we went. And lo! It sucked a bit less. What can I say; I love seeing people fawn over my Blakers.
Our morning was a bit odd, though - the woman who organizes the Postpartum Group (or "the Baby Club" as the Boy calls it) couldn't make it today, so we had to facilitate ourselves. I once again hijacked the discussion and made everyone talk about postpartum sex (and lack thereof). It was reassuring to hear that just about every woman in that room was also feeling wary about resuming physical shenanigans. Or maybe that should read "weary about resuming physical shenanigans." Whatever.
To quickly summarize the intended content of the last entry, we had a very busy Tuesday out & about and a very non-restful Wednesday at home. I tried exercise class again and somehow managed to find a baby who played quietly on the floor for a full hour. I couldn't believe it was the same baby who'd made me miserable only two weeks ago by spraying various body fluids everywhere possible. Maybe that was Blake's evil twin: Snake.
I also finally made it out to a local La Leche League meeting. Very nice nursing couples, including pregnant ladies, tiny infants & gigantic toddlers. I am just dying for some local mommy contact, but me being me, I have to meet these people a few more times before I'll take a social risk. I learned reticence in highschool and, um, I never really un-learned it.
Frankly, I wish we still lived in Toronto. I already know mommies there.
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*