out with sprout
The Valentine's Day entry is new...
I'm taking a quick writing break while my mom walks an angry Blake & the Boy sleeps the sleep of the just. (He was up with the baby a great deal last night as I'd taken a cold pill and was essentially a piece of wood from 10:30 p.m. to noon the next day. Every once in awhile I'd wake up just long enough to get the baby latched on & fed, then I'd hand over the pumpkin & fall asleep again. It was a sweet deal for the sick chick.)
Today the three of us went to the mall in an attempt to combat my terrible cabin fever. I was kinda reluctant to visit the mall; we had nothing to buy and it seemed like a pretty empty errand. I'm glad we went, though. I keep forgetting that Blake has never been through the mall before, and he's just as fascinated by a litany of powders (a recitation subtitled "What might we purchase at the Bulk Barn?") as he is with The Sneeches. Besides, it's kind of cool to walk through a vale of temptations and model resistance. Maybe one day he'll do better than his parents & live within his means. Buh.
We also went through the library, where I was reacquainted with my passionate hatred for teenagers. I have no earthly idea why I would choose a career among such a collection of gangly, self-important, cell phone attachments. Even the Boy was surprised by the depth of my vitriol.
But overall, a good time was had. It was also an important learning exercise; the Boy is only now overcoming his self-consciousness about "making a scene" with the baby. As for myself, I'm way over that hump. Bringing an infant out isn't just collecting compliments and watching said infant snooze beatifically. Mostly it's dancing up & down, eating one-handed and setting indoor speed records for public diaper changing. Not to mention returning glares with snarling defiance & breastfeeding anywhere with a seat.
Tomorrow is postpartum group day! I can't wait!
Pictures! For No Good Narrative Reason!
(a.k.a. Stacy's astounding Christmas present)
Blake smiles at the Boy

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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*