will to live
Good thing: We started unpacking the mountain range of crates we built behind the couch when we moved in. I found my bathrobe. You don't understand how much this means to me after 3 months of struggling through showers in a house where it's too cold and too populated to simply walk around naked. I could've used a good bathrobe during the whole 'body in postpartum recovery' thingamajig as well. Eh. It's mine again and that's all I really care about. We were able to tackle the boxes this week because of...
Good thing #2: the Boy is home for Reading Week! He makes everything easier & happier. Which is a real help because of the...
Bad thing: I'm sick. I have a throat cold that's sapping my strength. I'd say it's sapping my will to live, but that part of my personality got replaced a few months ago. My old will to live was civilized. It was built on 8 unbroken hours of sleep a night, a moderate amount of healthy food & a steady exposure to grimy dance floors. My new will to live seems to be hooked directly into my reptile underbrain: it's gone for months on 2 hour naps, a metric tonne of wholesome food a day and the occasional smile n' coo from the baby. My old will to live would've seen this cold & whimpered in submission. My new will to live snarls, "is that all ya got?" around a well-chewed toothpick and barely pauses to put on an extra kangaroo sweater before resuming a diaper change.
My new will to live kicked in a few weeks after Blake was born, while the old one shrivelled away like a vestigial tail. It's amazing what you can do when you're asked to do it.
So some stuff I wrote last week will have to wait. Again. Hope to have some energy tomorrow.
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*