2 months & 4 pounds later...
Argh! My MOTHER is SNEAKING the PACIFIER into Blake's MOUTH.
Okay. I have to be reasonable about this. A few sessions with a pacifier - even once a day - is not going to wean him. Still, it bothers me. I thought we set rules. I thought that we agreed that the dummy should be used when I wasn't around or when I said it was okay.
Am I gatekeeping? I just don't want to wean my sweet baby.
Today we took him in for his first shots (yow! I poked him in the eye by accident last week, and I thought I hurt him. Now I know what he sounds like when he's *really* in pain!) Our doctor recommended trying him on solids by the next visit (4 months). That's the right window of time, so maybe. Or, you know, maybe not. She didn't seem to mind too much that I'd ignored her bottle of water advice.
Blake is 2 months old today!!
He's started to prop himself up for seconds at a time. This sequence will inevitably lead to leaning against the wall in front of drug stores while smoking cigarettes menacingly.
Obviously, Blake has mastered the difficult art of social smiling. And he suffers for his art.
Hey baby!
A certain unnamed & unshaven father asked to be cropped out of this photo. So Blake is holding himself up in this shot.
We love being on the computer! Now that he's 2 months, he's picking up web design contracts right & left.
We celebrated yesterday by going into the city and eating a big greasy breakfast with Stacy, Stacy's parents, Dirk & Dirk's new woman (hereafter referred to as DNW). See what a bad social director I am? Honest to God. I've always had this problem. I gather people I like in one place, wilfully blind to their preferences. I never anticipate problems, I just steam on through. Fortunately, I'm the most immature person I know, so most of my friends can handle my inept planning.
And I did have a good time. I spent most of the time talking to Stacy while everyone but Dirk held the baby. I also shovelled a lot of fried food into my face and meet DNW. Despite my burgeoning issues, I liked her a lot. She was very good with Blakers, which always earns points on my ledger.
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otherwise noted, are copyright Rocketbride 1997-2009.
Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*