give me a medal; i made it through monday
Holy crap. I was not well enough for work today, but I soldiered on with my runny nose, ruined voice and haystack hair. Even more awe-inspiring, I managed to mark 7 essays during my planning period. I must be delirious.
One interesting effect of my cold is that I feel about as competent as I did when I began my teaching career, that is, not at all. I’m having trouble motivating myself to motivate others, and it shows. Now I suppose the trick is to get my groove back some time in the next week rather than giving up on quality teaching all together.
A good thing: today I was inspired to start arranging a field trip to the Holocaust Museum. I’m tired of everyone else in the department getting to go on field trips – it’s time I rustled up some shore leave. If all goes as planned, I’ll be on a bus the first week of May. Whee.
Another good thing: Blake seems to be able to count to 8. We’ve been leaving gaps in sequences this week; for example I’ll read three words of a four-word caption in a well-loved book and wait for him to finish the line. He’s doing remarkably well for someone who can’t pronounce the letter L. I’m not sure if the counting thing is a memorized sequence or merely another proof of his genius. Maybe both. Our advanced geekification is proceeding well: Blake’s big thing right now is watching Homestar Runner, whom he refers to as “puppet.” Yesterday he identified Trogdor all on his own. Amazingly nerdly.
And…I’m done. Good night.
A triptych of Blake:
blake & the boy in a bath. not shown: the boy.
blake helps me update this blog. yes, he can climb on chairs now. nothing is safe.
over the weekend my dad & his brother built a sturdy enclosure on the back porch so that blake wouldn’t escape into the backyard and drown. blake now spends his time peering through the bars of his confinement. harmonica lessons will commence shortly.
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*