five factors, one of which is predictable
It’s been…nine days since I last was here. (Not to lapse into Barenakedese but it was.) I’ve been go-go-going non-stop for the past week. I recognize 5 factors that have kept me from this computer.
Factor the first.
On Saturday was Dirk’s birthday, a small affair made noteworthy by three things:
- Sublime dancing at the Garden, including a set with “Sex Dwarf” (or as the Boy calls it, the national anthem of Rocketbridia). I danced so hard I got a stitch; then I just danced through it. I haven’t had that much stamina – or that much motivation – in years. Definitely since I went to Nova Gothic.
- The surprise appearance of Monsieur St. Jack just as I’d given up on him entirely. I’ve been trying to find him ever since he moved to the Hogsboro area (and I use that geographical designation extremely loosely) and have been SOL. Now I’m trying to arrange a visit to the school. See the poet! Poke the poet with a stick! And so forth.
- It was Dirktoberfest. It doesn’t need a third reason to be wonderful. Although the buoyancy of Dirk bouncing back from his SAD and a hernia is nothing to dismiss.
On Wednesday we had a presentation by an education who specialized in brain research. He mentioned, among other wonderful insights, that the left half of the brain’s got a party going on all the time, and when your mind wanders it’s going to visit with those 24 hour party people. For the past week, whenever my mind’s wandered, it’s gone back to that sweaty ecstatic circle at the Garden.
Factor the second.
Report cards! Holy crap, report cards are stressful. This year was the least stressful year ever for me because my whole work-life balance thing has kept me perilously clinging to sanity. I used to go through cycles of feast and famine where I’d procrastinate for weeks until forced up against it, at which point my unusually high professional standards (unusual for me, I mean) would demand that I actually base my grade on some kind of mark. Then I’d spend a miserable week marking into the night, feeling guilty and crying. Usually on the last night the Boy would be marking a set or two.
This year I’m actually working at school, so not only do I have less piled up, but I’m more in the habit of marking steadily. Being in the habit of marking means that I don’t dread it, so I mark more. It’s a positive feedback cycle, and it’s meant my best reports yet. Not only are my grades based on a goodly amount of data, but I know each child well enough to make individualized comments. I am rocking the mid-term reports.
But that being said, I had to give up my evenings this week to get it all done. A small price to pay for relative serenity.
Factor the third.
The internal job postings came out this week, so I’ve been calling schools, scheduling interviews, punching up my resume and soliciting advice from those in the know. I don’t really need to transfer out this time in the way that I desperately needed to get out during my first year, but I’m under a lot of pressure from my parents to reduce my commuting time. Also, the only other interview I’ve done was performed over the phone while I sat in my apartment in Nova Scotia. And, um, I wasn’t wearing pants.
I need practice answering questions while wearing pants.
Goneril has been very supportive; not only did she listen to my reasoning calmly, but she went over my resume to offer me the principal’s perspective. If I get a job, it’ll be because of her. Ironic.
Factor the fourth.
The spring issue of Knitty came out. I fell in love with the Ribbon X back tank top and ran out to Romni Wools. As of this afternoon I have everything I need to make it. I started knitting it this afternoon, but it’s my first time on circular needles and I failed to understand why it was so important to keep the stitches untwisted. I had to frog the whole thing. Kind of bitter about it.
I’m also working on a bag. It’s not as much fun as I thought it would be, but it’ll be done in a few weeks so that’s good.
Factor the fifth.
Yesterday we did the social thing and I was just too damn tired to write about anything. In the morning Blake and I went to a baby shower for Kate, who’s expecting a sibling for Chicago Ciaran in six weeks. It was fun, but…well, I shouldn’t gossip. Let’s just say that I was very happy to see everyone and they all seemed happy to see us. It’s nice to be back with the Original Six.
In the afternoon (after a quick stop at Romni for tank top materials) Blake & I met up with Stacy for some smash n’ grab shopping. Stacy led me to a vintage shop where I was pleased to make the acquaintance of three work blouses, a pair of flaired khaki pants, and a t-shirt that advertises my essential nature: Bad Kitty. Stacy was a saint: despite the fact that we literally met her after physio, she chased Blake all around the store, under displays and up steps while I tried on clothing. I can walk into the work week with confidence knowing that I won’t have to wear a heavy sweater and I owe it all to Stacy.
I’ve missed her.
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*