I stayed home sick today. I always feel a bit guilty when I stay home sick; in the back of my mind I’m convinced that someone will know I’m not completely incapacitated and haul me into work. Today was the culmination of many lurching days: between report cards, job interviews and all the other malarky of teaching, I haven’t been ready to throw in the towel. Yesterday, when they gave me my fourth supervision in as many days, I decided to lob that motherfucker.
In a weird coincidence, the Boy also stayed home today with a queasy stomach. We’re a coughing, stumbling, snotty, faint-hearted duo of fun. With no symptom overlap, it’s like we’re a textbook of family illness.
Since I can’t concentrate for any length of time, I’ve been doing a lot of knitting to keep myself occupied. I finally started the green Ribbon X Back again after frogging the whole thing on my first day. This time I managed to keep my stitches from twisting around and I actually have the short tube the pattern suggests. I’d feel victorious if I was more than half-lucid.
Blake doesn’t seem to mind that his parents are zombies. He spent a hilarious hour at the park, sliding down slides on his tummy and calling every large quadruped a “pony.” He’s only a little snotty, and it’s in that cute toddler way in which they don’t act particularly sick but manage to expel a huge wad of matter when you least expect it. He’s the stealth snotter. Sick as we are, we get a huge kick out of seeing him chase through the park. It’s going to be a fun – exhausting – summer.
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*