sad luck dame
Yesterday I saw Brandi, a girl that I used to know in highschool. I used to know her quite well, as a matter of fact. She was one of the largish group I partied with in my last year of highschool, a girl who saw me drunk out of my gourd numerous times and vice versa. She would tell me about the arguments she had with her parents about university and I would worry about her chances in life. She appeared in my paper diary a number of times (and also appears in late Greek Drama entries throughout the Summer of the Boy). We went to her house on the night after graduation, and I have pictures of all my friends in her backyard. (No, you do not get to see them. Only a select few get to see the longhaired teenage Aleta pictures.)
Anyway, we fell out of touch fairly quickly when I went "away" to UofT; doubly so after my relationship with Alexi imploded. I saw Brandi for the last time just after the Boy & I started dating, when I went to a party at her house that preceded a club night (not to mention an embarrassing drunken performance by my ex). Yesterday I saw her pushing a small boy in a stroller.
Heh. I'll show you my son if you show me yours.
She seems a little depressed these days – financial worries and unemployment an excellent excuse for this state. I find it very odd that we would part as two party-minded pretty young things and reunite as two poor SAHMs. This is the curse of going back to your hometown; it is the death of any idea you ever had that you are unique & destined for great things.
I saw a great many wonderful people today, but those stories will have to wait for tomorrow. In the meantime, here's some nudity.
I include this pic not only because you can see all 5 of his teeth,
but because it's proof that he is having SO. MUCH. FUN.
And so am I.
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otherwise noted, are copyright Rocketbride 1997-2009.
Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*