nothing succeeds like excess
I forgot to mention several things about Monday's Thanksgorging dinner at the Silverthumb house. First, I was asked to carve the turkey. WOO HOO!! If you want to make me happy, give me a job that requires a power tool. I haven't been asked or allowed to do anything cool with a power tool since Grade 8 shop class, so I'd fallen out of touch with my inner yahoo. When Kay asked me, I was hesitant. But if that first asymetrical slice of turkey represented my power tool inhibitions, its creation allowed me to carve away like a crazy thing. I think that the only way in which I would've enjoyed myself more would be if they had asked me to set something on fire.
Second, Blake got to eat a number of things he is usually denied. Like slivers of ham, ice cream, and a wedge of kosher pickle. Some of those things came into his little gaping maw through the hands of others; at least one was my responsibility (see if you can guess which). He was as happy as a pig in poop - too bad he had to go back to unsalted brown rice cakes and plain yoghurt with home-made fruit purée. I know, evil mother. It'll all come out in therapy.
Today was another moving & grooving day. I went to my exercise class in the morning, and despite having nothing good to say about this class before now, I actually enjoyed myself. I think it was because I pushed the instructor into letting me borrow a baby containment unit from the nursery room. (I had envisioned a playpen, but they supplied a saucer which is much more space efficient & interesting for the baby.) I never, never, never push people; I'm the epitome of the polite customer. For example I'm a very high maintenance diner, but even when my food is screwed up, I usually find a way to understand the mix-up and eat it anyway. I guess I was just tired of hauling ass in the morning to get to a class in which I couldn't participate for corralling my exploring baby.
So after the class (my glutes hurt! Is this how they're supposed to feel when you do a workout all the way through?) and after the free swim in the pool, we headed home for lunch with the Boy, who was working from home. When Blake finally fell asleep, I got to acquaint the Boy with my "do chores during the nap" rule. Needless to say, the Boy was expecting a less strenuous work day, and wasn't pleased with the "extra" duties he incurred. Hmph. "Extra" my ass - I didn't sign up to be June Cleaver when I went on maternity leave and I refuse to claim full responsibility for the mess. Just because I clean it up most of the time doesn't mean that I wouldn't rather be writing.
In any case, we finished up in less than 15 minutes, so the Boy was free to go back to his "real work" and I was free to watch "Northern Exposure" (I'm reliving my youth...don't even ask.) After lunch Blake & I went to a Baby Time drop-in class, and then went to the fabric store to buy more puppet-making supplies. After the little firebrand went to bed, I froze yesterday's potato-broccoli-bok choy mix & started my second puppet, as I'll need to have it finished in a week. And I still haven't started the Susanna Clarke book, but between puppets & baby food & laundry & classes & baby wrangling & writing, I still seem to have a full life. Go figure.
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*