yesterday and today
I have two precious hours of baby-asleep time – two hours when he's as tired as he'll ever be, and he'll sleep like an angel until he gets hungry at 9. Therefore I am forbidden to use this time with stupid ego-googling. Do you hear that, Rocketbride? If you waste this time, you're fired.
Today Blake learned that if he sits in his inflatable pool vehicle and froggy-kicks, he'll go exactly where he wants to go. He also learned that if he twists sideways, he can splash his hand in the water around his waist. I think that Blake's favourite place on earth is tucked up next to me in the big bed, but I think that his inflatable pool vehicle is a very close second.
Yesterday Blake had two fitful naps of 20 minutes each. He was hot and cranky for most of the afternoon, and woke frequently during the night.
Today Blake tried an avocado for the first time and found it acceptable. He also tried out his new sippy cup, but he makes a hilarious shambles of drinking: the spout goes in his nose, and under his chin, and in his ear, and upside down... For a boy who can get the business end of a water bottle to his mouth in 3.4 seconds, he's really bad at this whole sippy cup business.
Yesterday Blake made friends with a woman in the Holland pavilion. He babbled at length while she held his hand, and I joked that he was telling her about his trip to Holland. "First I was one big cell. Then I was two. Then I was four. Then I was eight..."
Today Blake ate what can properly be called a breakfast. He woke up at 5:30 a.m., and was escorted out of the bedroom by the concierge. At 7:30 my parents gave him some cereal and fruit, then put him down for a nap. He didn't come to nurse until 9:45. Yeah, that's right: I got 4 consecutive hours of sleep this morning!!! I keep looking around for the catch.
Yesterday Blake started joining consonants to vowels as we walked to the car. Dirk has a tiny video of Blake saying, "abaabaa baa baa baaba" with utmost seriousness. Blake maintains this air of gravity even though he is wont to produce large spit bubbles in the midst of his dissertation.
Today Blake stood at the balance bar for several minutes, smiling at himself. Although we hovered close by, we weren't touching him as he stood. I think he'll be walking before he sits.
Yesterday Blake sat in a clog that was big enough to be a baby automobile.
Today Blake squealed and giggled at every item sold in the local grocery store. Plums sent him into raptures. Chip packets had him carrying on like a preteen. You'd think we never eat around him.
Yesterday Blake came home smelling like beer because Dirk spilled an entire cup of Grosche lager onto his stroller. Blake looked on from Daddy's arms, and couldn't quite figure out why mommy looked so upset...until she tried to buckle him into his car seat. Smelly.
That was awesome. Blake just woke up for his 9 pm feeding, nursed for 10 minutes, then pulled himself off the breast and settled his head in the crook of my arm. He's sleeping like an angel now, and his feeding was the shortest it's ever been. I think this plan is working!!
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otherwise noted, are copyright Rocketbride 1997-2009.
Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*