mama's day out
Blake pulled himself to his feet two days ago. He was crawling all over the floor (being a dickens as usual) and I was sitting cross-legged nearby so I could rescue errant cash register receipts from his two-toothed maw of doom. I was also having a conversation with the Boy, so I didn't notice at first when he crawled up to me and then climbed up my side, using handfuls of t-shirt on the way. Suddenly he was standing.
He's just so big now. He cruises around the floor like a fun-seeking missile, poking his wee face into every cave & cubby-hole. He falls asleep in my arms after a feeding, his head lolling back from the breast, his entire body limp. He's so long now that I have to slide my arm between his legs & up his back in order to hold him firmly. He smiles when he hears certain songs. If I recite Boynton's "But Not The Hippopotamus!" without the book, he watches my face instead. He sits precariously in the sink when I give him a bath, still not quite sure how to keep his balance but too entranced with his floating pig toy to care. He kicks in the pool like a merman; strong, flexible kicks that propel him faster than any baby has a right to expect. He babbles with consonants, not just a single repeated vowel.
And now his crib is lower. I feel like I just took him home from Loftwyr & Gila's house yesterday, but already he's too big & too busy for a high-bed crib. He needs the lower setting so he won't pitch over the side. He's been changing every day, but when did the changes decide to gang up on me and all jump out together?
Saw most of the Original Six this afternoon, as Danielle hosted a play-date on her shady covered porch. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make it at first; between Baby Club & Blake's inability to nap on the road, it probably would've been sensible to just go home. But whoever accused me of being sensible?
So in this spirit, I present some photos of my not-very-sensible afternoon.
Why wasn't this picture in focus?? It's so damn cute!
Blake, by the way, is second from the right with his head in a bus.
Dexter: I can eat a book!
Oliver: I can eat a bus door!
Blake: (can't talk...head in bus)
Best. Picture. Ever.
(Thanks to Rosanne for helping to set it up! Sorry I cropped you out!)
The Non-Biological Twins have a wrestle.
Shortly after this photo was taken, Blake burst into loud sobs and I had to "rescue" him. Oliver? Didn't make a single aggressive move. I wonder if Blake is going to be a sissy like his mama.
this photo is strictly a nerd in-joke
It's funny. I get a lot out of Baby Club, but I have to admit that it's hard to have the oldest baby. When I have a problem with nursing or sleeping, I lack a peer group. So today I really enjoyed being with moms who are experienced solid food dispensers, moms who have babyproofed part or all of their houses, moms who are talking about the next baby semi-seriously. And the ironic thing is that when I'm surrounded by my peer group I really appreciate how individual my child is. Heh.
"The truth is, there is no spoon."
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*