adrift in the land of nod
One of the things Pantley writes in The No Cry Sleep Solution is that if your baby has been sleeping poorly, it is often more exhausting to work on the problem than to ignore it. I'm finding this out myself, as my days have suddenly become all about Blake's naps. When does he nap? For how long? Is there an unavoidable errand in the middle of his naptime? Can I get him to sleep in the car? Will the Boy take over while I go out? Back when we lived in the land of Happy Ignorance, we just let Blake nap whenever he wanted and when he woke up we just assumed that it was a good thing for him to be awake. Now it's all about the naps.
And my parents are being totally unhelpful. If I have a schedule conflict around naptime, they usually insist that I either leave Blake with the Boy or wake up Blake to take with me. They really don't get the idea that I should make his sleeping a priority. The really odd thing is that these are the same people who were horrified at the thought of me leaving the house before Blake was at least 4 months old. Now they can't seem to get me out fast enough. Although I suspect that they think I'm spoiling him by staying housebound until his nap times stabilise. Ugh. Like I needed another stressor in this whole Blake Awake saga.
Anyway, I decided to back off on the "no milk till Brooklyn" program tonight. He's very restless tonight, and if a bellyful of the good stuff will keep him content for even 2 hours, I'm happy to provide. And since I fed him, he's been sleeping like a champion. A champion sleeper. Who wins medals. For sleeping.
"Stop staring at your shoes!!" - lisa
I bought a bathing suit today. I guess that at some point I must have decided that my horrible haircut, blotchy skin, dark pouchy eyes & thick torso weren't doing enough to depress me on their own and that I needed to view them in a store change room while wearing a flashy tankini. It's all about the vanity, folks.
All that said, my time in the municipality of Bikini Village was reasonably painless. I bought a black 2-piece suit that's pretty matronly, yet seeks to conceal many of my figure flaws. (I suppose I don't have to apologize for looking matronly anymore, since I am in fact a matron.) I've been wearing my new suit all evening; it's the first time I've bought a bathing suit in a decade, and despite looking like a soccer mom, I rather like it. Also, it comes in handy when I want to suddenly jump in the pool with my wee tadpole.
Speaking of water, this morning I went to an Aquafit class. I was the youngest person there, but not the fittest. That's humbling. I was also the quietest person there, as the gaggle of female participants talked through the whole class. Now, I know I'm not exactly Little Miss Fitness, but I do think that if you have the breath to loudly discuss your social engagements in minute detail, you're probably not pushing yourself as hard as you might otherwise. This is very close to the logic I use in my classroom kingdom: if you have the time to fold up little origami notes, I'm probably not giving you enough homework.
(Mental note: must stop using other fitness participants as cheap journal fodder. This will not get me into heaven.)
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*