first meeting of the greater brampton downstairs accordion recital society
What the hell day is it? I'm having a bit of trouble adjusting to my post-party life, as in comparison to my pre-party life I have nothing whatsoever to do. Not only did we spend four and a half days in a painting vortex of despair, but Friday, the day I was supposed to be cleaning and cooking, turned into an 8-hour kitchen marathon, leaving the cleaning for the morning of the party. (And when I say 8-hours of cooking, I'm not being my usual over-exaggerating self. I started making marinades at 2:30 and was putting a banana and chocolate chip cake in the oven at 11:10. I did three full loads of dishes throughout the marathon and all the spoons were used up by 9:30.) The house came together beautifully, and I even had a free half-hour to take care of the study, which has been overflowing with boxes and books since we moved in. (Unfortunately, that meant that the Boy's future studio/study closet is now really out of commission rather than just being probably out of commission. Still, nothing will fall down if you open the door. I think I did well.)
The greatest part about having a housewarming in B-ton is that only the people who really like you will make the effort to show up. There are no casual drop-ins when that means a 50-minute bus ride. Once again, my knittas came through for me. They arrived on time in well-dressed and mighty ranks, brought gifts and consorts and babies (both born and yet-to-be), complimented the place extravagantly, helped in the kitchen, and set up a knitting circle in the living room. They took the extended tour as many times as I felt like giving it, they allowed themselves to be drawn into Blake's odd conversations, and they spontaneously formed the Greater Brampton Downstairs Accordion Recital Society while listening to the Boy jam. (Credit to David for the name!) Thank heaven for Lisa, Nadia, Michelle, Joyce, Sophie, Jacquie, Paul, Emily, David & Clara (the most delicious party snack I could have ever served).
the dazzling light comes from the knitters, not my picture window
I'm kind of sad this pic turned out so blurry, because I love Sophie's expression. The image is a cross between a Rembrant and a digitally-enhanced security camera still. Sophie is responsible for the fine art element; I'm the one with the grainy technique.
Michelle kicks off the yarn tasting segment
Nad was so pretty in her white sun dress and strappy sandals, and this is the best picture I could produce. Also, she's working on my crocheted welcome mat. Yee!
Other than the overwhelming force of the SNAY Team (Special Needles And Yarn) contingent, we were also blessed with:
- my grandparents (who brought a cheese plate, flowers and a magnificent old-school egg salad)
- my parents (who brought flowers and conducted information sessions on the fence and toolshed)
- Scout (who stayed all day and helped clean up)
- Nic (who arrived after the party ended and stayed to chat as everyone left)
- Exodus and Levitica (who also helped clean up, plus took the Boy out to see the Simpsons movie when the party officially ended),
- Cheryl and her whole family (Cheryl is a knitter, but with two kids, she had to be a mommy most of the time. Blake had a freaking BLAST running, climbing, jumping, yelling and digging around with K3nt0n!), and
- St. Jack & Sr. Maria (who engaged Blake in long fascinating conversations about rocks and insects)
What a cliché to say that I love them all, but it's true. I am so happy they came to warm our house, and that people who wanted to come out but couldn't sent their warm thoughts as well.
Swag pics! Sorry about some of the blurriness; I think I have a) more talent and b) better photographic equipment than facts will bear out.
drool-worthy yarn from Sophie, nestled in the Boy's accordion case
sheep salt n' pepper shakers from Lisa came nestled in a sewing pattern form and grammatically-incorrect gift bag. hee! massive candelabra from Nad that could be used as a menorah and currently snuggles my wonderful yarn from Sophie.
good luck bamboo from Joyce; 39-year calendar from Michelle; stripey thermos and yummy-smelling coffee from Emily, David & yummy Clara
a sheep's-eye view of the table
blurry but fun aerial shot of it all. not pictured: classy French wine from Jacquie & Paul and desperately-needed baking stone from Cheryl et. al.
I. Love. My. Friends.
I'm waiting for other pictures from other guests, including the delicious Clara and the delightful Pax, the rough n' tumble antics of two rough n' tumble boys, and the basement accordion jam that created a Society. Oh yes, fun was had.
Labels: blake, family, friends, gifties, house rich, pictures, the boy, triumph

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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*