50: dulaan dulaan dulaan!
Out of the terrific thick David Grains Iceland Lopi that Esther gave me this winter, I managed to knit four items for The Dulaan Project. I think I can do better next year, although it'll be hard to top the fun of my first Koolaid dying experience.
a tree full of Mongolian goodness
Third knitted, first finished: a ribbed neck gaiter (basic pattern here.) The yarn was my first attempt at variegation with Koolaid. Looked like crap in the ball, but it knit up pretty nicely. I'm tentatively pleased with this one. It looks real good in that tree.
Fourth knitted, second finished: a two-colour scarf in mistake rib. This wasn't Koolaid dyed, these colours came from the original sweater kit. I got the "pattern" from Last Minute Knitted Gifts; it's the Children's Scarf. Kind of dignified and knit up really fast. My students liked to watch me knit this one.
And the last shall be first. Both of these hats were made from the 48-stitch variation of Ken's Dulaan Hat. The first of these hats (the long-tailed medium blue) suffered for a lack of a seam, thanks to duplicate stitch fatigue (knitted Henry Rollins keeps kicking my ass). I needed a long break from the fussiness of finishing.
The second one (sorbet surprise) was knit much later to avoid the fatigue, but was a victim of end of semester crazy-town marking. They were both finished at public knitting events; the first at the Harlot's birthday party (with Ken in attendance - crazy!) and at the Team Canada meet (it took a lot of finishing, okay??). Yvette lent me her pom pom maker for the finishing touch. I just knew that if I came to the meet with pom pom materials that someone would help a sister out. And considering that it took me almost 2 hours to finish this second hat and about a half-hour to finish the first, I really shouldn't have let Hank beat me down.
koolaid fun!
BTW, You can see a picture of Yvette and myself in the brand-spanking new hats if you scroll down through Jen's entry.
And finally, here's me & the tape-wielding baby with our big box of Team Canada Dulaan goodness:
As you can see, I covered my shame in only knitting 4 items by getting other knitters to put more stuff in the box. It's a clever plan, I think.
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*