July 22, 2005
and the really depressing thing?

...is that after a glorious two days of pain-free sitting, guilt free-eating, and lots of unbroken sleep, the cyst appears to be back. Small but with a lot of painful potential.

The gyno won't (can't) do the surgery until it's of sufficient size. So when do I go in? How much suffering and dread do I get to swallow before I can go through another ritual purge with the needle in my hand? Do I lose another week of class? Do I forfeit my trip to NYC (and its attendant 8-hour drive) just to be sure of landing in a Canadian hospital? Do I get to sit on one of those hemorrhoid rings for the rest of the year?

Fuckety fucky fuck. I am so low I'm giving magma a run for its money.

- 0 comments/hedgehogs -

- Rocketbride's adventure of 7/22/2005 08:40:00 p.m.

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