gay! gay!
I finished my first puppet tonight. I'm pretty proud of myself - I thought it would take a lot longer than this, but it wasn't half as intense as last year's bee costume. I kept a puppet-making journal throughout; there'll be a link in a few days.
I've been kind of sick lately. I'm not seriously ill, although if I were working outside the home, I'd consider taking a sick day to recover. My symptoms are unremarkable: achey, tired, snotty & cranky. Thank heaven the Boy was home today to take care of Blake; neither of those two are ill and the Boy can give Blake the attention & enthusiasm he deserves. Me, I just sit on a chair & watch him play. Sure, I'll change his diaper & feed him, maybe read a story or sing the odd song, but that's about where it ends for me these days. It's a miracle I was able to finish my puppet at all.
the boys go on a walk & leave momma to stew in her own sickness
With this in mind, instead of writing a proper entry I'll merely recount a fragment of conversation spawned by Sunday's visit to the Boy's mother.
Background: The Boy's mother (freshly pseudonymed Morley) & her husband (freshly pseudonymed Knee) spoke to us at length about how much they enjoyed the DVD of Angels in America - with certain caveats.ME: Boy, I'm sure glad that Knee told us that he wasn't interested in "gay rights."
THE BOY: He said so over and over.
ME: Because the truth is that if you like a movie about gay people, that makes you gay. You should've said something.
THE BOY: "You like Angels in America, Knee! You're a big homo!!"
ME: ...and then he would have to prove that he's not, and he'd be forced to have sex with your mother in front of us. And then you'd poke your eyes out, which would hurt your chances of becoming an elementary teacher.
THE BOY: I don't think Blake would enjoy being my seeing eye dog. But I'd make him do it.
ME: You can just depend on our next child, Antigone.

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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*