the quest for a bedtime
These solo nights with Blake are an extremely mixed blessing. On the one hand, I like all the snuggling. Blake loves to “sleep” in the big bed with me, and he can spend hours talking to teddy bears, diving under covers, re-arranging pillows & reading books to himself. My role in this is to lie down in my pjs and do whatever he wants. It’s a pretty good deal.
Last night we reached the unfortunate point at which I fell asleep while he was still in the midst of his monologue. Oops.
I woke up at 9:15. He was still awake, still next to me, still enjoying himself.
”Blake, you have to sleep now.” But I was asleep myself before I could see if he’d followed my advice.
When I woke up in the morning I had to scramble for lesson materials, as my entire evening had been swallowed in the quixotic quest for a bedtime. I’m sure I’ll look back on this time with fondness, but man. As if losing my evenings with the Boy wasn’t hard enough, now I have to content with the small boy who will not admit that he is tired. At least he’s sweet while he’s awake.
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*