tcb: home
Today, my third official day of March Break, I have dedicated to Taking Care of Business. This is my first such opportunity, as minor sickness has hit the Rocketfamily like a plague this weekend. The Boy: sore throat, general ickiness. The Blake: ear infection w/assorted fevers and food refusal. Me: irregularly occurring nausea that seems to be just about over (on Saturday I threw up and I’ve been unenthusiastic about food ever since.) Today, with my options severely curtailed by a cranktastic baby and my brother’s plans for my car, I settled in for a day of TCB: Home Edition.
Random official papers – sorted. Laundry – folded & put away. Collection of Canadian novels assembled for last semester’s 11 Willows – returned to their respective bookshelves. I also frogged three knitting projects that were permanently stalled. Still, I spent most of the day staring dully into space. I hate to admit it, but I’m a definite structure person. I like knowing when to squat, when to jump, and when to make faces behind the CO’s back. Time on my hands in a house that isn’t mine, with no appetite and a cranky baby/husband combo – it all robs me of that joie de vivre for which I am so justly celebrated abroad.
I’ve always been kind of at loose ends whenever I’m given an extended period of free time. Now it’s complicated by Blake, who expects something more than my own patented brand of self-indulgence when I am his primary caregiver. I feel like I’m flailing around here. But that’s probably just the lingering stomach trouble talking.
It does, however, start to explain why I’ve become such an obsessed a passionate knitter in the past year. Sad as it seems, knitting away my odd moments gives shape to my days, not to mention helps to dull the pain of my extreme social isolation. And the pain of my dependence on my parents – can’t forget that. At least when I’m lost in a pair of gift booties I can fool myself that I’m doing something useful. (Especially when my co-workers oooh and ahhh at my knitterly achievements in a way my family is simply too jaded to emulate.)
Bah. I need
- a job in Toronto
- an employed husband
- a reliable babysitter
- more friends with children
And probably more yarn.
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Don't make me send out the Blake. He doesn't listen to *anyone.*